Sunday, August 11, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, July 1878

 Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, July 17, 1878


CARPENTER:  In Wood's Corners [Chenango Co. NY] July 10th, Frances E. [Carpenter], wife of Earl Carpenter, aged 26 years. [Oxford Times, Oxford, NY, July 17, 1878]

On Wednesday morning, soon after the hour of midnight, Mrs. Frances Carpenter, wife of Earl Carpenter, quietly and peacefully entered into the spirit land in a full consciousness that all was well.  Though not unexpected, the announcement came upon our community with fearful suddenness.  For more than a year she has suffered under the gnawings of a cancer, and from the commencement of her illness it was too painfully apparent that she could not get well.  On the 2d of January, she was removed to the home of her father, at Wood's Corners, and on the 16th day of that month, her only daughter, Lillie, an infant, died of croup, which added greatly to her sorrows.  The funeral was held at the house of James Brown, Thursday afternoon, where a very large number of friends met to pay their last tribute of respect to the sacred memory of the deceased.  The loss will be keenly felt by all who knew her, and the warmest sympathies of this entire people mingle with the grief of the bereaved.

"Her languishing head is at rest, / Its thinking and aching are o'er. / Her quiet and immovable breast, / Is Heav'd by affliction no more. / Her heart is no longer the seat / Of trouble and torturing pain. / It ceases to flutter and beat, / It never shall move again."

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, July 20, 1878


HUBBELL - BUELL:  At the residence of the bride's parents July 17th by Rev. G. Whitaker, Mr. Root Hubbell, formerly of Norwich [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Ella Buell of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY].

WEBB - WILSON:  In Stony Fork, Pa., July 4th, by Rev. J.A. Boyce, Mr. George W. Webb of Smithville [Chenango Co. NY] to Miss Ada Wilson of Charleston, Penn.


DIMMICK:  In this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] on Wednesday the 17th inst. of Cholera infantum, Jothy [Dimmick] infant twin son of Charles H. and Mary Dimmick, aged 5 months 11 days.  Mr. and Mrs. D. desires to return their thanks to the neighbors and friends for kindness in their affliction.

An infant twin child of C.H. Dimmick of this village, died very suddenly of cholera infantum, Wednesday evening last.  It was about as well as usual at noon and died before seven that evening.

SMITH:  In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], July 8th, Mr. Ralph Smith, aged 42 years.

LEWIS:  In Pitcher [Chenango Co. NY], July 8th, Mrs. Augusta Lewis aged 58 years.

PURDIE:  In Smyrna [Chenango Co. NY], July 16th, Mr. Thomas Purdie, Sr., aged 76 years.

On Tuesday, Thomas Purdie, Sr., died from the effects of the heat.  He was out in the field mowing when he fainted, his sons saw him and carried him to the house and summoned medical aid, he came to and seemed to be doing well and then had a relapse and died in about two hours after he was first taken.

MYRICK:   In Butternuts [Otsego Co. NY] July `16th, 1878, Lucretia Myrick aged about 72 years.

POTTER:  Mrs. Chloe Potter of Otselic [Chenango Co. NY] died the 15th and was buried the 16th at Rhode Island Settlement. The Rev. J.W Barr officiated as clergyman.


PENDLETON:  William Pendleton of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY] died at his residence on Wednesday morning last, at the advanced age of eighty-three years.

Mr. Pendleton was a genial old man, full of kind memories of the earlier times and the people with whom he then associated.  He was highly esteemed and respected by our entire community, as well as those in which he formerly resided.  He was the lifelong friend of Daniel S. Dickerson, though in politics he could not go with him in his latter days and remained as he had lived, always a staunch Democrat in principle.  He was perhaps the oldest member of the Masonic fraternity in our county, having been a Mason upward of sixty years.  His pleasant, genial countenance will be missed from our streets and his pleasant greeting to all alike will be heard no more.  He was the father of the late Mrs. B. Slater of this village.

Chenango American, Greene, NY, July 18, 1878


At the Baptist Parsonage in Marathon [Cortland Co. NY], July 4th, by Rev. J.H. Sage, Mr. Charles G. Winchell to Miss Katie M. Bliss, both of Whitney's Point [Broome Co. NY].


In North Fenton [Broome Co. NY], June 17th, Mr. Ellis Lewis aged 75 years and 8 months.

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