Thursday, August 15, 2024

Vital Records, Otsego County, NY, 1809 & 1848

 Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, October 7, 1809


On the 25th of June last, the body of an unknown man was found a few rods from the Seneca Turnpike in the town of Vernon, Oneida County [NY].  A Coroner's inquest was had on the body.  The verdict of the jury was that the person was willfully murdered by some person or persons to them unknown.  Much exertion has been made to detect the assassin, but to no purpose. The deceased was about five feet ten inches high and tolerably well-proportioned and was judged to be twenty-five or thirty years of age; of a light complexion, had short hair of a dark brown color; large sandy whiskers, left by his mode of shaving, inclining towards his chin; a little below his left kneepan was a scar about one inch in length; there were other scars about his legs and thighs.  His clothing was as follows:  a dark brown mixed colored sailor coat of home manufacture and pantaloons of the same; the coat appears to have been turned; on one side there were metal buttons, but no button holes on either side; a black vest of homespun fulled cloth, with metal buttons, and button holes on each side; a linen shirt, warp filled of cotton, with linen wristbands.  There were no pockets in either of the garments above mentioned.  The deceased had with him a pack made of a shirt like the one above described.  Also, three women's stockings, two of them made of tow, the other of cotton.  A pocket handkerchief checked with red. A small black wool hat; One pair of leather suspenders; one penknife with two blades; a shaving box without any cover, and part of a razor strop.

The Printers throughout the U. States are requested to give the above a place in their papers, by which means it is hoped that the melancholy circumstance may come to the knowledge of the friends of the deceased.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, October 14, 1809


At Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] on the 28th ultimo, Mr. Daniel Gilbert of Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] to Miss Abigael; Belcher of the former place.

At Middlefield [Otsego Co. NY] on the 4th inst. Mr. Joseph Walker to Miss Loretta Green.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, October 21, 1809


On Wednesday evening last, Margaret Bowers, youngest daughter of John M. Bowers, Esq.


"O'er the new mound that warrants this thy grave, / A stranger muse, sweet babe! thy fate shall wail / Shall add her tribute to the passing gale. / That, plaintive, whistler as the yew trees wave; / And, whilst the moonbeam plays / Upon the glossy stream, / Or glimmers through the haze, / Thy artless, fonding ways / Shall be my theme.

Nurs'd in the bosom of parental love, / Ah! well I know the joy thy smile would bring; / Joy, such as watchful seraphs must approve, / Joy which to forfeit, who would be asking? / And when thy little feet, / To nature promptly true, / First ran thy Pa to meet, / Oh! how his heart would beat / With rapture at the view.

Oft had thy tender mother, as she prest / Thy simple form in her yet feeble arms / [unreadable] / Thy hop'd for joys are o'er, / Soon as thy babe began to lisp and fawn / It breathes no more!

And oh! sweet babe, methinks I see thee die, / And almost what thy mother felt, I feel, / Yet no! that cannot be. / She bore and nurter'd thee, / Thine infant arms did round her neck entwine, / Therefore her sorrow mine would mock'ry call; / But that I anguish know, / Witness this sigh of woe, / Witness these tears that flow, / Witness the ardent prayer I send to heaven for mine.

Full oft shall mem'ry paint the deathly scene, / And mournful fancy rise upon thy bier / And many a Father's sigh and Mother's tear; / And many a pitying child shall linger here / Each sultry noon, / And lift its hands and shake its head. / And bid its comrades softly tread / Upon the beauteous baby's bed, / Who died so soon."

The Monody was wrote by a mother.

Cooperstown Federalist, Cooperstown, NY, October 28, 1809


At Canandaigua [Ontario Co. NY] on Sunday the 13th inst. Peter Hughes Esq. Clerk of the county of Cayuga, aged 55, to Miss Laomi Gould, aged 21.

At New York, the Hon. Ambrose Spencer Esq. to Mrs. Catherine Norton daughter of the  Hon. James Clinton.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, February 5, 1848


At Fly Creek [Otsego Co. NY] on the 2d inst., by Rev. Mr. Campbell, Julius Elwell of Cherry Valley [Otsego Co. NY] to Mandana C. Davidson of Otsego [Otsego Co. NY] (In connection with the above we take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of an unusually large quantity of wedding cake.)

In Westville [Franklin Co., NY], the 30th ult. by Rev. G.W Gates, Mr. Isaac B. Hand to Miss Sarah M. Jewell.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, February 12, 1848


In Laurens [Otsego Co. NY] on the 12th ult. Mr. David Johnson aged 77 years.

Otsego Democrat, Cooperstown, NY, February 19, 1848


In Worcester [Otsego Co. NY] on the 15th instant, by Rev. D.B. Collins, Edward Fernes to Miss Delilah Hill.

In Milford [Otsego Co. NY] on the 6th instant, Mr. Epraim Cummings to Miss Lucinda Stone, both of Milford.

In Milford [Otsego Co. NY], on the 6th ult. by Elder Howe, Mr. Gershom Bostwick to Miss Betty Thorp, both of Milford.

On the 13th ult by the same, Elijah Reed to Julina Miller, all of Milford.

On the 2d instant, by the same, Henry Brown of Maryland [Otsego Co. NY] to Phebe Nash of Milford [Otsego Co. NY].


In Decatur [Otsego Co. NY] on the 10th ult. Mrs. Nancy [Parker] wife of Chauncey Parker, aged 53 years.

On Sunday evening last, Lois Johnson relict of Dr. Daniel Johnson, deceased, in her 89th year, one of the first settlers of this town.

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