Thursday, September 19, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango (1878) & Delaware (1826) Counties, NY

 Chenango American, Greene, NY, August 22, 1878


In North Norwich [Chenango Co. NY], Aug. 13th, by Rev. C.C. Williams, Mr. J. Ernest Brown to Miss A. Eliza Green, all of North Norwich.

At the Congregational Parsonage, Aug. 15, by Rev. G.A. Pelton, Mr. Franklin E. Lindsey of Oxford [Chenango Co. NY] and Miss Celeste Risley of Waterville [Oneida Co. NY].


In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Aug. 18th, Mr. Ephraim R. Hathaway, aged 57 years and 9 months.

In this town [Greene, Chenango Co. NY], Aug. 10th, suddenly, while at the tea table, Mrs. Sylvia S. [Osborne] wife of the late Daniel Osborne, aged 86 years, 1 months and 6 days.

Rev. W.N. Cobb formerly Presiding Elder of this District in the M.E. Church, died at his residence in Harford, Pa., on the 17th inst., aged about 66 years.  He was a Christian gentleman and much beloved by his Church and all who knew him.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, Aug. 22, 1878:  We learn with regret that Rev. W.N. Cobb died at his residence at Harford, Susquehanna Co. Pa., on Saturday last after an illness of two months.  Mr. Cobb entered the Genesee Conference in 1842 and was Presiding Elder of the Chenango district and of the Otsego district for four years each.  Mr. Cobb was about 66 years of age.  He was a candid, conscientious, Christian gentleman and the church in his death loses an effective worker in Christ's Kingdom on earth.

Bainbridge Republican, Bainbridge, NY, August 22, 1878


PRICE:  In Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], August 22, 1878, of consumption, Lillie E. Price, aged 24 years.

When twilight shades had passed, and evening fell, / White wing'd Azrael stood close to our door, / And softly knock'd and whisper'd, "all is well," / And thrice, the beads of Fate he number'd o'er.

The door, we lock'd and guarded, unaware / He passed and stood by our pale suf'rers side, / And with his fingers touch'd her soft blond hair, / And smiled, and whisper'd, "Come, the Angels bide."

The shadow of his wing came o'er the place, / And on our hearts, it cast a deeper gloom; / Two folded hands, a quiet upturned face / And white rob'd angels floated from the room.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 2, 1826


In Bovina [Delaware Co. NY], on Wednesday last, in the 69th year of his age, Mr. Robert Colgate, a native of Kent, England, but for the last 31 years an inhabitant of this country.

At Waterville [Oneida Co. NY], on the 24th July, Miss Ann Eliza Wainright, daughter of Mr. David C. Wainright, in the nineteenth year of her age. The death of this young lady is truly an afflicting dispensation of Providence.  Her kind and amiable disposition endeared her to her acquaintance by whom she will be universally lamented.  Her loss to the little society which she has left [--unreadable--] associates, the tears of affection will long continue to flow at the mention of her name, and the recollection of her virtues.  The circle of parental affection had become circumscribed by the hand of death till it centered on herself and a son, the only surviving children.  To them the parents looked as the solace of their declining years, and the inheritors of their name and estate.  The anguish of a fond mother at the sudden exit, in the morning of life of her youngest and only surviving daughter is alleviated only by the well-grounded hope that she has exchanged the present for a better world; that she now enjoys that "rest" which a few hours before her death she expressed to be the single object of her desires.

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, August 30, 1826


In this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY], on Monday evening last by the Rev. E.K. Maxwell, Mr. Roger Case, Esq of Franklin [Delaware Co. NY] to Miss Parmelia Ward.


In Andes [Delaware Co. NY], this morning, Mr. John Wells, aged 44 years, son of Mr. Noah Wells, of this village [Delhi, Delaware Co. NY].

Delaware Gazette, Delhi, NY, September 20, 1826


At Walton [Delaware Co. NY] on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr.  Headly, Mr. Allen Eels of Walton to Miss Mary Starky, formerly of Trenton, N.J.

At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. Jacob Hover to Miss Jane Hanford, both of Walton [Delaware Co. NY].

In Andes [Delaware Co. NY] on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. E.K. maxwell, Mr. William Martin to Miss Rosannah Haffie, both of the former place.

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