Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Vital Records, Chenango County, NY, August 1878

 Chenango Union, Norwich, NY, August 22, 1878


MITCHELL - PEARCE:  In Providence, August 15th, 1878, by Rev. John C. Brooks, Dr. John W. Mitchell of Providence and Lydia Pearce, daughter of Edward L. Pearce, Esq. of East Providence.


BROWN:  In this town [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY], August 17th, Elizabeth [Brown] wife of Joseph Brown, aged 57 years.

SISSON:  In South Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY] August 20th, Mr. Benjamin P. Sisson, aged 71 years.

RATHBUN:  In Lawrence, Otsego Co. [NY]\, August 19th, Mr. Stephen Rathbun, aged about 66 years, father of A.E. Rathbun of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

HOWE:  In McDonough [Chenango Co. NY], August 15th, Rev. Lemuel Howe, aged 71 years.

MATHEWSON:  In McDonough [Chenango Co. NY], August 13th, Mr. Daniel P. Mathewson aged 64 years.

WINSOR:  We regret to learn of the death of George L. Winsor, Esq. of Bainbridge [Chenango Co. NY], which occurred on Tuesday morning last.  It will be remembered that Mr. Winsor was the Democratic candidate for District Attorney, last fall, and although unsuccessful, received a good vote.  He was a young man universally respected and esteemed, and his early death is mourned yd a large circle of relatives and friends.

BRISTOL:  On Sunday last, the funeral of John Bristol, aged ninety-two years, was attended at Walton [Delaware Co. NY], by his Masonic brethren and a large number of citizens, who assembled to perform the last sad rites.  Deceased had been a Mason for seventy-one years and was the oldest member of the fraternity in that vicinity.


Guilford, Chenango Co. NY:  In the death of Mrs. Oleavia Ingersoll, wife of Eathan Ingersoll, which occurred on the 12th ult., in the sixty-seventh year of her age, our community has lost one of its most estimable citizens.  For several years the infirmities of increasing age have been gathering upon her, and about four years since she had the misfortune to fall and fracture her hip which added greatly to her burden.  Under all these afflictions, however, she bore up with cheerful resignation and continued to attend to her domestic cares until some eight weeks since when she was stricken with partial paralysis and which was followed about nine days since with an apoplectic shock with its fatal attendant result, as above stated.  For many years Mrs. Ingersoll, with her husband, has been a resident of our neighborhood, either upon their farm near here or in our village, meantime earning and retaining the universal respect of all who knew her for her combined qualities of intelligence and kindness of heart. She was a Christian in the true sense of the word, and her large circle of relatives and friends will sincerely mourn her death.  It has been a great consolation to her during the past few months that her only daughter, Mrs. S.W. Nott, who came from her distant home in Colorado, was with her to receive her counsel, and equally so now to the daughter to have been enabled to administer the last wants to a devoted mother.  A husband and an only son, after doing all in their power to sooth the pillow of the dying wife and mother, are left to mourn her great loss.

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 21, 1878


ANDREWS:  In Delhi [Delaware Co. NY], August 13th, aged 31 years.  Deceased was the eldest brother of Mrs. Fred Graham of this village [Norwich, Chenango Co. NY].

Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph, Norwich, NY, August 24, 1878


ROBBINS - BROWN:  In Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY], N.Y. Aug. 22d of W.D. Powell, Esq., Mr. Frank Robbins to Miss Ada M. Brown, both of Plymouth [Chenango Co. NY].


DEAN:  In Afton, Aug. 17th, Mrs. Nancy Dean, wife of Reuben Dean, aged 71 years.

Chenango Forks, Broome Co. NY:  The funeral services of the late Willis G. Willard took place at his late hone, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Hobert Jacobs, read the service, Rev. R. Todd, being ill and unable to officiate.  The procession was very long, numbering 48 teams. the remains were interred in Oak Grove cemetery.

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